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Author Guidelines

Instructions for  authors

Editorial board accepts for publication the manuscripts, satisfying the interests of the academic periodical. The size of the manuscript should be  6–15 pages including figures.

Research article must report on a complete piece of substantial research. In all cases, the manuscript should include only the original material showing the results of the complete research of an author.

The material which was not published or submitted to any other editorial office is accepted for publication. The manuscripts are always reviewed. The manuscripts with the favourable reviews are published in the academic periodical.

The author (authors) should sign the manuscript after the sentence: “the manuscript is published for the first time and it was not submitted to any other editorial office“ ;signature should be attested at the Human Resources Department of a Company or an Institution where the author (authors) works (work).

The following files are obligatory to be attached to the manuscript:

  • review of scientific supervisor (in case the author is a Ph.D. student or a degree seeking applicant).

The manuscript is brought  to the editorial office of the periodical  in person, or sent by registered letter  (by post in two copies), or submitted or sent electronically (by e-mail or  on electronic media).

After the signature and the date the author should  print his/her surname, name, middle name (full), academic degree, position, place of work with the postal address of the institution (in English and in Russian), research interests, number of published works, phone, e-mail, home address.

Completed form of the copyright transfer agreement should be sent together with the manuscript. Agreement is sent in two copies.

Agreement form:



The agreement shall come into force when the manuscript is accepted for publication (after the editorial board have made a positive decision).

The contract shall immediately terminate if the editorial board of the academic periodical  declines the article for some reason or another.

In case the author (coauthors) signs/sign the contract it means, he/she/they has/have learnt with the terms of the contract and accepted them.

Signature  should be  legalized at the Human Resources Department at the  place of work of an author (authors).

The authors, including Ph.D. students, do not need to pay for publication of their manuscripts.

In case the manuscript is referred back, it does not guarantee the manuscript would be accepted for publication. The refined manuscript should be sent back to the  editors together with the cover letter ( where the author should describe how he/she has improved the manuscript) no later than three months after  the editorial staff sent the manuscript back to the author, otherwise, the manuscript shall be considered to be  the manuscript submitted for the first time to this academic periodical. Editorial board reviews and considers the manuscript for the second time. Date of receipt of the refined version of the manuscript is the date of its submission.

Requirement to the original of submitted manuscripts

Manuscripts submitted to Vestnik of Volga State University of Technology  should be divided into the following sections:

  • Abstract (3-4 sentences).
  • The goal of the research, aimed at solving the problem (1-2 sentences).
  • Solvable problems, directed to goal achievement.
  • Mathematic, analytical or any other simulation.
  • Experimental techniques and method of processing or narration of the obtained results.
  • Results and discussion.
  • Keywords. The semicolon shall be used to separate the keywords.
  • Background (The Background section should assess the problem, based on literature review and proving motivation of topicality of the problem; revealed contradiction, allowing to formulate the problem).
  • Conclusions. This should state clearly the originality of the obtained results and give a clear explanation of their importance and relevance, showing the goal of the research is obtained.

Preparing manuscript text

The manuscript should be submitted electronically and in paper (2 copies, А4, type - Times New Roman, 12-point font size, interline interval  - single. Margins: inside — 2 cm, head, foot, outside — 3 cm (mirror margins), indention of the first line -  0,75 cm).

UDC (10-point font size, upright, light face, flush) is printed in the left corner of the first page of the manuscript. Title is located in the centre (14-point font size, upright, semi-bold, upper-case). Next line: initials and surname of the author (12-point font size, italics, semi-bold) in the centre. Place of work is specified after the initials and the surname of the author: first line – name of institution, second line – postal address (10-point font size, upright). E-mail of correspondence author is printed after the address.

Next, abstract in Russian (justified alignment, 10-point font size, italics, left and right indent - 1 cm) is printed. Keywords are arranged in a similar way. Keywords are submitted both in Russian and English.

You should also submit an abstract in  Russian and English (no less than 250). Abstract should include  introduction, goals and objectives, methods, results, conclusion.

Figures, graphs, tables should be numbered and should have a title (10-point font size, title -  semi-bold, in the centre). Tables and figures  should  be inserted following the paragraph   of their mentioning. Diagrams, graphs, charts, etc. are accepted in the vector format only (Word, Excel, Visio, CorelDraw, Adobe Illustrator, etc.). Graphics should be of good quality. It is allowed to mark out the graphs with the lines of different style or to mark them with figures or different colours. Photographs and screenshots should be made in bit map (tiff, bmp, png, etc.), they should have sufficient extension (300 dpi) and be readable.

Formulae and separate symbols should be typed using formula editor Microsoft Equation or Math Type (Do not insert the formulae out from MathCad and MathLab, as well as do not use the standard insertion of mathematic formulae or building own formulae by means of vocabulary of mathematical symbols)


References are arranged according to the order of references in the text (in the text they are specified in square brackets) and in accordance with  All Union State standard 7.1-2003 (GOST 7.1-2003.

References to the unpublished works are prohibited.

The manuscripts which do not conform to the specified requirements  are not accepted for consideration.

For more details about requirements of the periodical see.



1. All the manuscripts are reviewed. After that, editorial board considers them and decides whether it is possible to publish the manuscript.


2. Composition of reviewers is approved by the editorial board. Editor-in-chief of the series appoints the reviewers.


3. Editorial staff establishes the term of reviewing (no more than 1 month) together with the reviewer.


4. Editorial staff may recommend the materials of polemical character which need more detailed discussion to review at an extended meeting of the editorial board together with the author and the competent experts.


5. Editorial staff informs the author about the results of reviewing (in case of any remarks) in writing (a copy of the review is attached). Information about a reviewer is sent with the consent of the reviewer only.


6. Editorial staff shall review the improved manuscript during a month period starting from the day of its second submission to the editors and to submit the manuscript for consideration of  the editorial board to make the final decision.


7. In case the manuscript is declined after reviewing, the author receives one copy of the manuscript back (a copy of the review is attached).


The originals of the reviews are stored in the editorial office of the periodical during 5 years.



Contact details

Postal address:

Editorial board of “Vestnik of Volga Tech”

Volga State University of Technology

3, Pl.Lenina, Yoshkar-Ola, 424000


Phone: + 7(8362) 68-78-46.



Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. Эта статья ранее не была опубликована, а также не представлена для рассмотрения и публикации в другом журнале (или дано объяснение этого в Комментариях для редактора).
  2. Файл отправляемой статьи представлен в формате документа OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF или WordPerfect.
  3. Приведены полные интернет-адреса (URL) для ссылок там, где это возможно.
  4. Текст набран с одинарным межстрочным интервалом; используется кегль шрифта в 12 пунктов; для выделения используется курсив, а не подчеркивание (за исключением интернет-адресов); все иллюстрации, графики и таблицы расположены в соответствующих местах в тексте, а не в конце документа.

Privacy Statement

The names andemail addressesentered onthe websiteof this journalwill be usedsolely for the purposesdesignatedin this journal, and will not be usedforany other purposeorprovided to otherpersons and organizations.