Александр Сергеевич БОНДАРЕНКО, Анатолий Васильевич ЖИГУНОВ


Introduction. Genotype estimates in terms of growth and development of seed progeny of experimental plants may be supported by the data on the increment of relevant genotypes on seed plantations, which is bound to significantly enhance the reliability of genotype estimates. Developing the method of complex genotype estimate based on the results of clone growth and development of seed plants and families of experimental plants would significantly increase the economic viability of the whole complex of elite selection works. The research is aimed at the development and estimation of approbation results of the complex evaluation of elite tree clones used for creating seed plantations with the increased genetic value, based on the family examination of experimental plants and clones on first-order seed plantations. The use of complex genotype estimate in the selection process of the Norway Spruce is aimed at the selection process in order to improve production, quality and sustainability of plantations. Materials and methods. The estimate method is based on the rank performance principle with further selection of the best clones and families for every plot under study and formation of the complex genotype estimate based on its rank position among other families and clones. Selection intensity makes 20% for families of the experimental plants and 50% for clones planted on seed plantations. Results and discussion. Biometric values (height, crown diameter, stem diameter, variability values of height and stem diameter) are used as the key indicators for complex evaluation, supported with relative indicators (yield, degree of damage caused by the adverse factors of the environment, plant integrity). Based on the research results the authors developed a complex genotype estimate aimed at enhancement of plantation productivity, quality and sustainability. Conclusion. On the seed plantations there were selected 58 clones of elite trees with certain characteristics and 37 families of Norway Spruce from the experimental plants. The best clones of elite trees selected by the results of complex estimate of vegetative progeny on seed plantations and seed progeny of experimental plantations were recommended for creating plantations with increased genetic value.


Norway Spruce; seed plantation; probe plantation; elite tree; family; clone; seed progeny; vegetative progeny; increased genetic value; improved seeds

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