Александр Васильевич ЩУР, Дмитрий Валериевич ВИНОГРАДОВ, Тамара Николаевна АГЕЕВА, Татьяна Павловна ШАПШЕЕВА, Владимир Альбертович ГРЯЗИН


Introduction. As a result of the catastrophe at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, more than 30 % area of Mogilev region is polluted with long-lived radionuclides 137Сs and 90Sr. Plants and animals, which became an integral food link and the source of internal irradiation of population, actively accumulated the radionuclides. There are more persons with high internal radiation dose in the villages located in a close proximity to forests. The goal of the research was to study the interdependence between internal radiation dose of villagers and radioecological situation in forestlands, bordering on the populated area. Methods. Whole-body counter measurements of 6187 persons, made with an account of the seasonable measurement repeatability in 2006-2012 in 62 villages of the five most polluted districts of Mogilev region were used in the research. 137Cs content in the organisms of villagers was measured with the use of radiation spectrometer СКГ-АТ1316 on the basis of ГАЗ-3221. To estimate the forest radiation safety, an aggregate Dl was calculated. The aggregate takes into account such characteristics as forest proximity to a populated area, its size (small, medium large forestland) and 137Cs pollution density of its separate areas. Results. The populated areas which border on the large compulsory evacuation zone, and are located 0.5 km from large forestland, pollution density of which exceeds 555.0 kBq/m2 (1480.0 kBq/m2 sometimes) showed the lowerst Dl figures (0.116 and 0.120). The populated areas with practically no forest in a radius up to 4 km and low pollution density showed the maximum figures (0.939 and 0.912). Conclusion. The factors influencing the internal radiation dose of villagers are internal radiation dose forest peculiarities (forested area, 137Cs pollution density, and farness from populated area). Statistically significant dependence on a number of inhabitants in a populated area and medium internal radiation dose was determined. Inhabitants living in small villages had three times less internal radiation dose than the inhabitants living in large populated areas.


catastrophe at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant; radionuclides; forestlands; content of radionuclides in production; radiation dose

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