Баир Чимитович ДОРЖИЕВ, Олег Николаевич ОЧИРОВ, Батор Валерьевич СОДНОМОВ


Introduction. Ground inventory of remote forest sites is extremely time and labour consuming. The existing ground methods of forest inventory are based on both, conventional methods and contemporary ultrasound and laser technologies.  Some methods of radio-tomography are also applicable. The work is aimed at evaluation of the potential of a new research approach to the forest stands spatial structure evaluation by means of ultra-short pulse radio detection and ranging, exemplified by one pine forest sample site. Apparatus, methods and measuring object. By ultra-short pulse radio detection and ranging we mean radio detection in cm and mm ranges with the direct pulse transmission width of 10 ns with high frequency filling. Experimental data were obtained using mobile measuring complex including solid-state nanosecond microwave radar, USB-oscilloscope and laptop for the signal registration and recording. Homogenous pine forest stand was used as a sample site. Ground forest inventory (height and diameter measurements, spatial distribution of trees) was carried out before the research. Research outcomes. Ultra-short pulse radio detection and ranging allows carrying out sensing of forest environments located beyond visual accessibility, unlike laser and ultrasound methods. In general radio-tomography of forest environments may be applicable to research of horizontal stand structure, which allows to run diagnostics of forest current condition and ongoing processes. Conclusions. Further research into ultra- short pulse radio detection and ranging possibilities in forest sensing is necessary in order to define optimum radar parameters, i.e. operating wave length and direct impulse length.


horizontal stand structure; ultra-short pulse radio detection and ranging; radio-tomography; forest inventory

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