Ильшат Гилазтинович ГАЙСИН


Introduction. During the fledging years of marketing in Russia the main development trend in forestry productive power is the manufacturing application of prospective technological processes and the use of effective technical solutions, that are bound to speed up the labour productivity and reduce the production costs following environmentally friendly and rational use of forest raw material resources. Taking into consideration the role and meaning of water transportation used for timber shipment, the issue of efficiency enhancing of reloading and processing of flat rafts at log receiving ports is quite urgent. The current research is aimed at the enhancement of efficiency of multi-row flat rafts at wood enterprises of log receiving ports. The object of the current research is the load lifting crane equipped with special load grippers used for uploading multirow flat rafts at log receiving ports. Results. We defined the duration of uploading sequence applicable to multi-row flat timber rafts from the water to the shore constructed by Arkhangelsk State Technical University and Volga State University of Technology based on the laboratory experiments and statistical processing of the obtained data. We also carried out a strength test of the crane load gripper used for transposition of lengthy flat rafts in timber onshore yards and log receiving ports. We also carried out research into fluctuation amplitude of the lifting force and oscillation period of the load gripper during the process of flat raft uploading from the water at log receiving ports. The fluctuation amplitude of the lifting force of the load-gripper from the ground is higher by 11 – 33 %, than from the water facilitated by the water damping capacity. Conclusion. Based on the laboratory research we experimentally tested the durability of load grippers patented in the Russian Federation under No 2476366 and No 2526767. As a result of the current research we experimentally confirmed the hypothesis of theoretical calculations of the special load gripper on the equitability of gross load distribution on the gripper applicable to general purpose lifting apparatus for four choker grapples. The certainty assumption amounted to 97,6 %.


рейд приплава; башенный кран; плоская сплоточная единица; продолжительность цикла выгрузки; усилие в грузовом канате

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