Юрий Александрович ШИРНИН, Александр Юрьевич ШИРНИН


The work is aimed at providing rationale for harvesting systems and equipment and developing a skid road layout on a vast fire damaged territory in order to ensure natural pine regeneration. Research findings. When comparing operational schedules of cuttings on the burnt areas we used the environmental coefficient, i.e. the area covered with the crown with cones in relation to the total area disturbed in the fire. As a result of calculation using formula (21) the fol-lowing values were obtained: χ = 0.027 (2.7 %), while using formulas (22, 23) the values obtained were as follows: χп = 0.114 (11.4 %). Thus, harvesting system No 1 produces better results in terms of forest regeneration. Conclusion. While developing an operation plan for the pine forest disturbed by brush fire, it is vitally important to select a harvesting system and methods, ensuring natural regeneration of pine forest. Unlike the full tree system, cutting and debranching on the cutting ar-ea using petrol-powered saws provides even distribution of cut crowns and viable seeds in cones throughout the whole cutting area. For the purpose of timber transportation it is expedient to use existing roads and clearings.


burnt area; forest regeneration methods; machine systems; burnt area operation plan; forest compartment; beehive

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