Светлана Анатольевна КАБАНОВА, Андрей Николаевич КАБАНОВ, Валерий Анатольевич БОРЦОВ


Introduction. Protective stands planted in the greenbelt of Astana in dry steppe conditions were laid out based on the example of forest shelter belt with broader several row strips over 12-25 meters wide and with the same planting distance. At the moment the second priority plantations are in progress when seedlings with bare root and root-balled tree systems are planted in interstrip spaces under the cover of adult species. Goals and objectives. The work is aimed at the research into possibility and rationale for the transplantation of warty birch species in the conditions of dry steppe. Materials and methods. The research focused on eight year warty birch species planted in strips in the greenbelt of Astana. Seedlings were transplanted by root-balled method in cases in spring 2010. Tree espacement was 3x3 meters. Sample plots were laid out in low and elevated terrains. The research included only those species in strips next to which there were trees extracted for transplantation. Research findings. As a result of research it has been revealed that lifting adjacent trees exerts an impact on the viability of trees in the strips. Significant mortality of planted seedlings (over 38 %) on the elevated terrain occurred on the second year after planting. The average survival of the transplanted species in the low terrain for three years following plantation was more or less the same in the range of 83 %. In low terrain the survival rate was 1.4 times higher. On average the viability of warty birch on plantations was 49.2 %. Conclusion. Transplantation of eight year seedlings of warty birch in the dry steppe conditions is possible provided that the peculiarities of the relief of the plot, selection of undersized species and strict compliance with the agricultural practices are taken into consideration. The transplanted seedlings require little treatments and form the stand faster.


dry steppe; forest species; warty birch; transplantation; viability; biometric indicators

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