Никита Михайлович ДЕБКОВ


Introduction. Boreal forestsare extensively drying out all over the globe. The process is caused mainly by xylophages. For example, propagation of bug beetle Polygraphus proximus Blandf. in Siberian mountains results in intensive drying of Siberian fir (Abies sibirica Ledeb.). The research focuses on the evaluation of natural reforestation of fir forest in Western Siberia damaged by Polygraphus proximus Blandf. Materials and methods. The research was carried out in the southern part of the Tomsk region on eleven plots of fir forest damaged to different extents. The research into the processes of natural reforestation and micro mosaic organization was carried out in compliance with the standard procedures modified for this research. Results. The amount of undergrowth varies from 1.2 thousand to 29.6 thousand trees per hectare in the damaged fir forest. The specie prevailing in the undergrowth is the fir tree. The undergrowth exceeding 0.5 m in height has significantly increased. Most undergrowth vegetation (64-79%) is featured on the flat surfaces. A significant amount of undergrowth vegetation is found on the on the elevations near to tree trunk (19–36%). Conclusion.  Fir trees in the Western Siberia, damaged by Polygraphus proximus Blandf. have the regeneration capacity. Abies sibirica is bound to preserve its forest forming function.


Abies sibirica Ledeb.; natural reforestation; Polygraphus proximus Blandf.; forest forming process; microsites

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