Александр Николаевич ЧЕМОДАНОВ, Евгений Юрьевич ЯМЩИКОВ, Роман Валентинович ЛОЖКИН, Александр Владимирович ТУРУЕВ


Introduction. In order to develop the technology for high-rise wooden house constructions it is particularly important to take into consideration the quality of log surface, which defines the overall operating costs. Surface roughness characterises the reaction of logs to environmental loads including humidity, heat, fungi. In other words, this factor defines house maintenance costs in the condition appropriate for their exploitation. Volga State University of Technology is involved in extensive research aimed to develop wooden housebuilding from the rounded logs including processes of complex cutting when designing log rounding machines. The work aims to define the impact of technological and constructive machine parameters on the log roughness using a pilot installation. Materials and methods. Based on the developed experimental installation we defined the dependence of surface smoothness on the variable factor values and revealed the dependence of the energy capacity of the roundup process and installation performance on the variable factors. Results. Run-down speed transition of the log and carriage supported with the angle increase between the cutter centre and the processed log result in the decreased roughness of the surface. Conclusion. Reconstruction of log rounding machines should involve the change of operation of one of the moulding mechanisms in the machinery or installation of a mechanism for the final finish of the log surface as the most effective solution.


wooden house construction; log surface; log rounding machine; quality of the log surface

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