Наталья Евгеньевна СЕРЕБРЯКОВА, Маргарита Антиповна КАРАСЕВА, Валерий Николаевич КАРАСЕВ, Елена Андреевна МЕДВЕДКОВА, Юлия Владимировна ГРАНИЦА


Introduction. A number of dangerous pollutants can be blowed into the atmosphere due to the activity of oil-processing centers  (OPC). Definition of woody species, conserving necessary ecological functions and  life ability in conditions of oil and gas pollution, organizing of monitoring of woody species state and the state of the environment on the whole are the relative objectives. The goal of the research is to access sustainability to technogenic pollution of woody species of natural and planted origin in Nizhnekamsk, to reveal the plants which are relevant to the formation of a green ecological basis of the city with an account of the  specificity of  NOPC influence.  Woody-shrubby plantations of ecological zones  differentiating by pollution level are the object to research. The method of research is the measure of  impedance of  close to cambial complex of tissues of a stem and the activity of  enzyme of catalase in leaf blades. Results. Impedance of  close to cambial complex of tissues adds to the valuation index and the index of plant health status, makes it possible to  judge sustainability of the species in conditions of  technogenic pollution caused by Nizhnekamsk  oil-processing center activity. Level of  impedance of  close to cambial complex of tissues of species is a specific one, it varies depending on the level of sustainability of  taxon to technogenic pollution. Deviation of the catalase activity in the leaves of woody species  indicating decrease of their sustainability in certain conditions  are in keeping with the state value by  impedance of  close to cambial complex of tissues. Taking as a whole, it reliably shows life ability of plants. Conclusion. Sustainability of Scots pine, goat willow, field ash, European bird cherry, ash-leaved maple in the industrial and  sanitary protection zones is decreased. A tendency to decrease of life ability of  Tilia cordata is determined. Populus balsamifera, Norway maple, English oak, European filbert, European white elm, some sorts of apple tree, bare elm, black poplar, Europen willow, aspen are sustainable in sanitary protection  plantations in oil-processing centers. The studied species of poplar, European mountain ash, European bird cherry, apple trees, Tilia cordata and large-leaved linden, hawthorn large-spined, horse chestnut, English oak, bare elm and,  European white elm are rather sustainable in urban plantations. English oak and  European white elm are of better index in park plantations. Among coniferous trees, Norway spruce, Colorado spruce, Siberian larch are the sustainable species in the city. It is important to continue the research of  impedance of  close to cambial complex of tissues due to the activity of  enzyme of catalase  of different taxons, and their dynamics depending on the environmental conditions and their  phonological state.


technogenic pollution; Nizhnekamsk oil-processing center (NOPC); vegetation plantations; activity of enzyme of catalase; impedance of close to cambial complex of tissues; living condition; sustainability

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