Владимир Иванович ЖЕЛДАК


Introduction. Formulation of a problem to establish forest plantations with the aim to grow forest stands of the target species to obtain the wood with the specified characteristics specified a number of topical issues in elaboration of the actions for the accelerated growing of high-productive stands to conserve the ecological potential of forests (Forest code of the Russian Federation 2006). The goal of the research is to formulate and solve the problems of  defining the silvicultural content of the notion “forest plantations” on the basis of Russian and foreign experience in  establishment of “target stands of a planted type” and “plantations of woody species”. Forest plantations of various intended use are chosen to be the object of the research. The adequate systems of  silvicultural measures are being elaborated for them. The method of solution is to reveal the “nature-targeted” objects of forestry and to develop the priority and target-oriented measures with an account of a well-known forestry-based experience and legislative regulation for them.  Result. All the considered forest plantations are divided into plantations of “typical” and limited content and use,  their place in the general complex of the objects of forests is determined. Ecological and silvicultural principles of regulation of planted forest cultivation and use, possible composition of initial objects and targeted types and species of established plantations on them are determined. Basic principles to build the priority-targeted systems of forestry are elaborated. Conclusion. Implementation of scientific elaboration in establishment and use of forest plantations will assure: a) intensification of forest use, including balance use of wood and non-wood resources, b) conservation of ecological functions of forest ecosystems of planted type (level – no worse than “satisfactory”), c) priority solution of ecological problems, particularly in the sparsely wooded regions of Russia together with the increase  of accessible resource potential of forests.


forestry; forestry system; forest plantations; objects of forest plantations; wood plantations

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