Евгений Михайлович РОМАНОВ, Маргарита Игоревна СМЫШЛЯЕВА, Виталий Геннадиевич КРАСНОВ, Дмитрий Иванович МУХОРТОВ


Growing of containerized seedlings of English oak is of topical importance. Thus, the paper is devoted to the problem. The goal of the research is to obtain some new data regarding growth intensity of one-year containerized seedlings and to ground the use of a substrate which meets the requirements by cost effectiveness and quality of growing the containerized seedlings of the considered species.  Nutritious substrates and containerized seedlings of English oak are the object of the research. The methods of research included assessment of germinating capacity of acorns and biometric parameters of  seedlings of English oak, growing in various nutritious substrates in accordance with the common methods in forestry. Results.  Basic agrochemical characteristics of nutritious substrates are determined. It was revealed that high content of mineral elements in the substrate did not exert material influence on the intensity of growth and number of one-year containerized seedlings of English oak.  Study of  sustainability of different types of root-covering substrates, forming a  clod on a  root system of trees, showed that the clod remained unchanged when extracting a seedling from a container in all the cases.  Biomass of various parts of seedlings depending on the type of a substrate, used to grow the seedlings, was found. Correlation between an underground part of seedling and a top of seedling by weight of dry substance was analyzed. Germinating capacity of acorns, varying from 58.3 to 87.5 %, was revealed. Growth performance of oak seedlings, mean height of which varied from 12.98 to 14.16 cm, were determined. Diameters of collar are from 5.83 to 7.08 mm. Number of typical seedlings depending on the type of used substrate was defined (64 - 76 %). The substrate on the basis of transitional peat from Paranga peat-enterprise ( Mari El Republic) was considered to be the best one. There is no necessity to buy a highbog peat in the neighbor regions to grow the containerized seedlings of English oak. Usage of the substrates produced on the basis of the local peat will significantly lower the prime cost of  the containerized seedlings of English oak.


English oak (Quercus robur L.); containerized seedlings; typical seedlings; nutritious substrate

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