Евгений Михайлович ЦАРЕВ, Сергей Евгеньевич АНИСИМОВ, Константин Павлович РУКОМОЙНИКОВ, Николай Валериевич ПЫЛАЕВ


Introduction. Modern market for the production of band saw equipment is saturated with various models of domestic and foreign production. Hence, the problem for assessing the competitiveness of equipment at the stage of its design arises. The goal of the research is to develop a band saw machine design that allows increasing its productivity by eliminating idling. The construction of a band saw machine is the object of the research. An analysis and an assessment of competitiveness of band saw equipment were conducted. A band saw machine in a new design was offered. Peculiarities of the new design are as follows: a load trolley with a supporting training gear on a way of I-section, a saw unit is adjusted on the supporting training gear. First, the supporting training gear accomplishes the longitudinal sawing of timber (operating stroke) in one direction, then it rotates 180 degrees about itself and accomplishes the longitudinal sawing of timber (operating stroke) in the reversed direction. Among many methods to analyze the engineering level of the machines under design, the method for the study of engineering level of the analogues of two machines (commercially available and proposed machines) was chosen. It is not always sufficient to collect the data of various companies of the cost of the machines, and take into account the substituted data and feedback of its quality. It is important to calculate the band saw machine load correctly for higher economic efficiency, i.e. its productivity. Conclusion. A comparison of the performance value of the two considered band saw machines was conducted on the basis of stop-watch reading. The analysis shows that hourly performance of the proposed design of the band saw machine increases by an average of 38% in comparison with the existing design of the band saw machine.


longitudinal sawing; band saw; sawing; assortment; productivity; timber

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