Евгений Алексеевич ГОНЧАРОВ, Наталья Алексеевна БУЛЫГИНА, Сергей Геннадьевич ВАСИН


A study of radiation level in the recreational areas is of scientific and practical interest.  For this reason, the goal of the paper is to assess the distribution of radionuclides 137Cs, 226Ra, 232Th and 40K and to calculate the irradiation level in the major types of  locality of western cluster in the national park “Smolny”. In such a case, the following tasks were to be solved: to carry out radio ecological studies on the index plots and along the landscape profiles; to determine the vertical and horizontal distribution of radionuclides in soil cover and to define the intensity of accumulation in vegetation; to calculate the rate and  the structure of gamma-radiation intensity in the considered geosystems. The study was carried out on the basis of a landscape approach using field and laboratory methods of gamma-ray spectrometry. Results. It was determined that the level of  surface contamination of soil with 137Cs varied within 6.1–6.8 kBq /m2 in the ridge and its slopes, 11,2–15,6 kBq /m2 - in the bottom-land, and up to 22.7 kBq /m2  - in the terrace above flood-plain  in south-eastern outskirts of  first terrace rising above the floodplain of the cluster. At that, the content of 137Cs in the upper 0-5 сm layer of forest soils is 83-90 % 137Cs, but the content of 137Cs in floodplain soil is 48-50 %. The terrain and the nature of geological substrate in the moment of radiological fallout in spring-1986 had a major impact on the horizontal distribution of 137Cs. Volume activity of terrigenous radionuclides 226Ra, 232Th and 40K in the soils is determined with the mineral composition of  parent rock materials: it is minimum in the sandy forest soils (thus, it is 3-17, less than 8 and 40-100 Bq/kg), maximum - in the floodplain soils (thus, it is 17-28, 33-37 and 490-600 Bq /kg). Distribution of terrigenous radionuclides in depth is of steady rate, except for 232Th, which is  recognized with biota and is not accumulated in the organic horizon. Gamma background in the considered geosystems meets the norms of radiation security. Contribution of soil nuclides (137Cs, 226Ra, 232Th and 40K) in formation of the equivalent dose  rate of gamma radiation is 37-62 % in forest plots,  up to 100 % - in the agricultural bottomland plot, thence, it is possible to define the contribution of radionuclides in vegetation. Maximum intensity of accumulation of 137Cs (for air-dry weight) is revealed in fruit bodies of mushrooms (Tf  = 78 10-3m2/kg), male shield fern (Tf = 49 10-3m2/kg) and true mosses (Tf = 1-9 10-3m2/kg). Accumulation of 137Cs in vegetation is minimum (Tf < 1 10-3m2/kg) in rich in mineral nutrition soils (river basin soil) and in close deposit of underlying mudrock (ridge).


pollution; geosystem; soil; radionuclide; caesium; potassium; radium; thorium; accumulation; equivalent dose rate

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