Анна Владимировна КУЛЬКОВА, Наталья Николаевна БЕССЧЕТНОВА, Владимир Петрович БЕССЧЕТНОВ


The content and ratio of chlorophyll-a, chlorophyll-b and carotenoids in the photosynthetic apparatus of the spruce genus were studied. The goal of the research is to determine the taxonomic proximity of various types of fir on the basis of a multivariate analysis on the content and ratio of plastid pigments of needles in the conditions of introduction. Thirteen species of spruce (P. glehnii; P. glauca; P. asperata; P. mariana; P. pungens, f. argentea; P. pungens, f. glauca; P. omorika; P. abies; P. engelmannii; P. pungens; P. jezoensis; P. koraiensis; P. obovata) were chosen to be the object of the research. The piсetum of  Botanical garden of Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I.Lobachevskiy is the place of their dislocation. The methodological approach included compliance with the principles of exclusive difference, reliability, and suitability of experience. A methodical apparatus is based on the use of spectrophotometric method to study the  pigment composition of even-aged needles. Results. Serious discrepancy of pigment composition of needles of the studied  kinds of fir  were determined. Some obvious dissimilarities of the pigment composition of needles of the studied types of spruce were discovered. Established interspecific differences were significant, which was confirmed by ANOVA. As the documented heterogeneity is manifested in the consistent environmental background, the cause of it can be explained with the peculiarities of the compared genotypes between the samples. Significant interspecific differences have identified the possibility to conduct multiple comparisons using factor and cluster analysis. On the basis of the obtained results, the dendrograms were constructed.  According to the dendrograms, there were  the test sets  with the most similar features and the  test sets   with the largest difference between them. The positions they occupy in the hierarchical clusters are stable and do not change during the transition from one circuit group to another one. Conclusion. A large degree of similarity in the characteristics of the pigment composition of needles of a number of compared species, particularly it concerns  Engelmann spruce(P. engelmannii), blue spruce(P. pungens, f. glauca),  typical kind  of blue spruce (P. pungens), corresponds to the ideas of their taxonomic proximity.


spruce; introduction; chlorophyll-a; chlorophyll-b; carotenoids; interspecies variability; factor analysis; cluster analysis

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