Юрий Петрович ДЕМАКОВ, Виталий Геннадиевич КРАСНОВ


The topicality of the research is explained with the necessity to increase the ecological and resource potential of Chuvash forests and to improve the efficiency of use of the forests. The goal of the research is to study the regularities of the change of species composition and age structure of Chuvash forests as well as the productivity of the forests from 1942 till 2014. Forests resources were the object of the research, the data of state accounting, containing in the literature sources and in the statistical reports were the material to analyze. A systems analysis of the digital information with the use of personal computer and the packages of standard application software were used to achieve the specified goal. Results. It was demonstrated that the area of Chuvash forests had increased  7,4 thousand ha from 1942 till 2014, which was  due to  the increase of the area of pine forests (27,1 thousand ha) and birch groves (12,2 thousand ha). The area of mature and over-mature stands (today the principal standing crop is now represented with  linden and birch groves) has seriously decreased.  The total phytomass of stands has also decreased ( It particularly concerns  Oak and Spruce  groves.). However, the phytomass  of their assimilatory  capability has increased, which is the evidence of  improvement of ecological potential of forests due to the increase of the share of young and middle-aged stands in them. The stock of stem wood per 1 ha has mainly increased in pine and aspen forests, and linden and birch groves, but it has decreased in  oak groves of all the age groups but for the young stands. The productivity of young and ripening Spruce forests has decreased, but it has increased in all the other age groups of Spruce forests. Conclusion. It is important to drastically change the system of use of ecological and resource potential of Chuvash forests. Today it is possible to assure the stability of the forest by means of selective and gradual felling as well as due to the establishment of forest plantations with short time of growing. When establishing forest plantations and forming species composition of stands, it is better to choose oak species. In comparison with other species, oaks are less productive, but the market value of oak wood is much higher than the market value of other species. However, the market value of pine wood is only slightly lower. Spruce and aspen forests as well as  birch groves are the least profitable species to grow in the region.


Chuvash Republic; forest resources; structure; ecological and resource potential; dynamics.

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