Ольга Викторовна ШЕЙКИНА, Юрий Федорович ГЛАДКОВ


Introduction. The level of genetic variability is one of the factors for sustainability of wood species population. Thus, it is important to pay attention to the level of genetic diversity of seed plantations, which are the source of seeds for the reproduction of populations of wood species. The goal of the research is to assess the dependence of indices of genetic diversity on the number of genotypes of Scots pine and to reveal the degree of lowering of genetic polymorphism of seed plantations when using the minimum  number of breeds of plus trees. Plus trees of Scots pine were the object of the research. Two types of DNA-markers (ISSR-markers and  SSR-markers) were used to determine the indices of genetic diversity. According to the results of the research, decrease of the number of plus trees leads to the decrease of the number of PCR-fragments in case of ISSR-analysis and the decrease of the number of alleles in case of SSR-analysis. It was determined that the decrease of the number of genotypes to 10 led to the loss of 39 (19.6 %) variants of PCR-fragments or the loss of 33 (50.0 %) alleles of SSR loci of all the discovered plus trees (maximum selection). The change of the selection scope of plus trees shows a slight impact on such indicators of genetic diversity as heterozygosis and the coefficient of inbreeding. The heterozygosis (it was calculated on the basis of ISSR-analysis) varied from 0.23 to 0.24 for various number of plus trees. The limits of variability of the observed heterozygosis for SSR loci were  0.59 - 0.62, of the expected heterozygosis – 0.68 - 0.72, and of the coefficient of inbreeding – 0.08 - 0.13 for different selections. The use of a minimum number of plus trees (50 trees) when establishing seed plantation leads to the loss of 1.01 % rare PCR-fragments and 7.8 % alleles of SSR loci (compared with the selection of plus trees - 66 and 63 trees, respectively). The number of plus trees should be defined with the normative requirements.


Pinus sylvestris; plus trees; ISSR-markers; SSR-markers; genetic diversity

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