Светлана Валерьевна МУХАМЕТОВА, Иванович Дмитрий МУХОРТОВ


The goal of the research is to assess seed propagation of  representatives of  Crataegus genus in Mari El Republic. The set problems are: 1) to reveal the efficiency of the ways of  pre-sowing seed treatments  of hawthorn species; 2) to determine the  hawthorn  species  with the maximum morphometric characteristics of seedlings; 3) to find out the influence of trim of root system of one-year seedlings of hawthorn  on their growth after replanting. The plants of  14 taxons of  Crataegus collection of the  Botanic garden-institute ( Volga State University of Technology) were chosen to be the object of the research. Results. Among all the Euro-Asian  hawthorns, C. volgensis (15 %  -  the first year after treatment of seed with vitriol oil and stratification in the moss) showed the maximum  germinating capacity. Among all the North-American hawthorns,  C. punctata f. aurea (15 %  -  the second year after  two-stage stratification of seeds in the sand ) showed the maximum  germinating capacity. The seedlings of C. punctata f. aurea (6.9 cm) had the least mean height in a year after planting, the seedlings of  C. rhipidophylla (22.3 сm) had the maximum mean height in a year after planting. The seedlings of  C. flabellata (20.5 сm) had the minimum increment of the second year, the seedlings of  C. chlorosarca (49,3 сm) had the maximum increment of the second year. The increment of the third year varied from 28.3 (C. pringlei) to 92.0 сm (C. rhipidophylla). The height of three-year plants was varying  from 62.4 сm (C. chrysocarpa) to 139.5 сm (C. rhipidophylla), and the  diameter of collar root was varying from  10.4 mm (C. sanguinea) to 18.0 mm (C. chlorosarca). Two clusters were revealed in terms of morphometric parameters of 3-year seedlings of hawthorn. C. rhipidophylla, C. × persimilis, C. maximowiczii, C. chlorosarca, C. pringlei, C. punctata, C. flabellata, C. Submollis belong to the first cluster, C. sanguinea, C. chrysocarpa, C. volgensis, C. punctata f. aurea belong to the second one. The maximum difference between the clusters was explained with   the current increments of  the  first year and the diameter of root collar of 3-year plants. The length of axial root (18.6 %) had the minimum interspecies  variability, the length of increment of the second year (38.2 %) had the maximum interspecies variability. The seedlings, germinated   in two or three years after planting, had the least increments in comparison with even-aged plants, germinated in the first spring after planting. When replanting and  root trim, the increment of one-year plants decreased in 2-5 times the following year, but the year after the following year most of the plants were of the height of non-replanted plants. Conclusion. Among all the  Euro-Asian hawthorns, C. volgensis (15 %) was found to have the best germinating capacity, among all the North-American  hawthorns, it was C. punctata f. aurea (15 %). The recommended period to  grow seedlings is 2 years. The obtained data can be used to  germinate and grow the planting material of hawthorn  species in Volga-Vyatka region.


Crataegus; germinating capacity of seeds; stratification; pre-sowing seed treatments; growth of seedlings

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