Method to Define the Remaining Life Time of High-Pressure Hose of Forest Machines

Анатолий Александрович ТАРБЕЕВ, Александр Иванович ПАВЛОВ


Introduction. Definition of  remaining life time of  high-pressure hose, the fault of which is of sudden nature, is one of the topical technical problem, intended to improve the reliability of performance of  hydraulic drive of forest machines. This problem is not solved to the full and it is  required to improve the diagnostic technique of current condition of high-pressure hose. The goal of the research is to improve the efficiency of  forest machines operation due to failure prediction and  full employment of resources of the parts of hydraulic drive. High-pressure hoses of forest machines (Forwarder 1910F, Finnish production), exploited in summer and winter in Priluzhskiy district of the Komi Republic were chosen to be the object of the research. Results. The  experimental researches to define the  mode of vibration, arising when their dynamic loading, were carried out. It was demonstrated that the oscillating process coming from  the resonance state of a pipeline arose under certain pressure of loading in the pipeline. In this regard,  free frequency of pipeline with liquid was chosen as a testing parameter, dependence on the cycles of dynamic loading was determined, frequency function of failure distribution was found, a method to define probability of failure of the parts of hydraulic drive was offered. The method allows to determine  the remaining life time of the parts of hydraulic drive. Free frequency of pipeline with liquid was taken as a  testing parameter , describing technical condition of  high-pressure hose . Conclusion. The formula of  probability of failure  of pipeline in summer and winter was derived. It was shown that loss of life  of high-pressure hose at low temperatures is explained with  the peculiarities of rubber properties it is made of.


hydraulic drive; probability of failure; diagnosis; load; free frequency; distribution function.

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