Сергей Сергеевич МАКАРОВ, Елена Анатольевна КАЛАШНИКОВА, Елена Павловна РУМЯНЦЕВА


Introduction. The necessity to improve the technology for  propagation of edible honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea), which is one of early ripening small fruit crop, determined the topicality of the research. The improvement of the technology is aimed at improvement of growth and productivity of  Lonicera caerulea. The goal of the research is to assess different technologies of  propagation of edible honeysuckle  to accelerate its sprigs, growth and productivity of plants. Objects and methods of research. The research was carried out in the laboratory of  Biotechnology (VNNIILM “Central European Forest Experiment Station”) as well as at the Chair of Genetics,  Biotechnology, Selection and Seedage (Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy). Eight sorts of  edible honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea) were chosen to be the object of the research. Microclonal propagation of  honeysuckle was made in the  optimized nutrient solution MS well in advance together with growth regulators. The established plants were adapted to nonsterile conditions in vitvo, using auxin IMK and Ecogel to treat their root systems. The Mixture of peat with sand  ( 3:1) was used as the understratum. The cut sprigs of honeysuckle were planted in a  greenhouse with fog cannon, the air humidity in the greenhouse was 85-95 %. The preparations Kornevin and Heteroauxin (concentration of the preparations was 200 mg/l) were used to root softwood and hardwood cuttings. The productivity of bushes was estimated during three years depending on the technology of reproduction . The statistical processing of the results was made using the  Student's and Dunkan t-tests with AGROS program (version 2.11), as well as standard Microsoft Office Excel 2010. Results. It was determined that rooting and adaptation of microplants developed in vitro to the nonsterile conditions of cultivation depended on the applied preparation, its concentration, as well as on the sort peculiarities of the honeysuckle. The greatest number of rooted  microsprouts (88,4…98,0 %) was registered when using the preparation Ecogel. The differences in  rooting the  softwood and hardwood cuttings were specified. The plants, reproduced in vitro, had better productivity than the plants obtained when rooting  softwood and hardwood cuttings (during three years of vegetation). More stable yield is observed when reproducing honeysuckle with hardwood cuttings. Conclusion. Use of microclonal propagation makes it possible to have a high-quality planting material of edible  honeysuckle with high productivity in comparison with traditional ways of  vegetative propagation with softwood and hardwood cuttings.


edible honeysuckle; in vitro; cutting; growth additives; yield

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