Юрий Александрович ШИРНИН, Наталья Александровна РОМАНОВА


Introduction. Amur oblast is a well forested region. Forest cover of Amur oblast is 64 %. All the forests are mountainous, more than half of them grow in permafrost, other  forest grows in the soils of lasting seasonal frost. Studying the density of timber species in Amur oblast, the data of average density of timber were obtained, such data are different for other Russian regions. The goal of the research is to develop the  mechanism for accounting the  variability of density of timber species in the districts of  Amur oblast. To solve this problem, it is offered to fix the coefficient of  variability of density of timber species for different districts of  Amur oblast. The samples of wood of the districts of Amur oblast with 60 % forested area or even more  (Tyndinskiy,Zeyskiy,  Skovorodinskiy, Magdagachinskiy, Selemdzhinskiy, Shimanovskiy districts) and with medium forest cover (Svobodnenskiy and Bureyskiy districts) were used for the experimental research. The data of efficiency of finish sawing vary depending on the density of timber species and the district of growth, accordingly. The time for one sawing accomplishment was calculated with known formula, hourly efficiency and production rate were also calculated ( e.g. power saw  when tree felling, when bucking, and  when branch cutting). Results. Dynamics of variability of wood density depending on the factors of forest environment in different districts of Amur oblast is determined. An algorithm for grounding and calculation of the  coefficient of  variability of density of timber species for different districts of  Amur oblast was offered. With the results in experimental studies, it was possible to determine the dynamics of   variability of density of timber species depending on the factors of forest environment, they are diminishing from north to south  in the districts of Amur oblast. With the method of  percentage , the algorithm for calculation was offered, the calculations were given, and workability of the coefficient of  variability of density of timber species in the districts of Amur oblast was grounded. The analysis of influence of timber density and the parameters of  cutting attachment  on the performance of finish sawing was made. The offered calculations of performance of finish sawing  and  output per shift of power saw with an account  of the  coefficient of  variability of density of timber species , are  recommended to use for labour rate setting when logging in the districts of Amur oblast.


wood density; power; performance of finish sawing; coefficient of variation of wood density in the districts of Amur region

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