Василий Александрович ЯРМОЛОВИЧ, Марина Олеговна СЕРЕДИЧ, Вячеслав Борисович ЗВЯГИНЦЕВ, Василий Михайлович АРНОЛЬБИК


Introduction. In recent decades, the phytopathological condition of forests in Belarus is of particular concern. Periodic mass drying of plantings of spruce, ash, oak, birch and other trees is a serious problem for foresters and many specialists in the field of forest protection and nature management. In the context of mass destruction of rare forest formations by phytopathogenic organisms, there is a real threat of disappearance of plantings of ash, maple, lime, and other species even in the state nature conservation areas, including the untouched forests of Belovezhskaya Pushcha. The goal of the research is to  assess the biological stability, sanitary and forest pathological status of rare formations of broad-leaved stands (ash, maple, linden) of the Belarusian part  of  Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Materials and methods. The assessment of sanitary and forest pathological state of plantings of ash, maple and linden in the national park “Belovezhskaya Pushcha” was made on 20 permanent and temporary trial plots. Results. It was found that the biological stability of plantings of the considered tree species was different. Ash trees show the lowest viability, the average weighted category of their condition in the survey areas varies from III, 1 to IV, 3. The condition of maple trees on trial plots is characterized by a range of weighted average values of I, 4-II, 7, which can be considered a satisfactory indicator for old-growth plantations. The main causes of weakening of maple trees are stem core rotations, caused primarily by maple and scaly tinder, as well as a complex of necrotic-cancer and vascular diseases. The small-leaved linden tree on the territory of the Belovezhskaya Pushcha also has a satisfactory sanitary condition (weighted average category of status I, 5-II, 8), although, compared to the maple, weakened and damaged linden trees are more common. Most often, the weakening of linden trees is caused by necrotic diseases of the branches and stem rot of the core, the causative agents of which easily infect the central part of the trunk at places of mechanical damage to the bark and wood, especially ruptures from frost. Conclusions. Observations of the phytosanitary state of ash, maple and linden tree formations on the trial plots laid down in the national park "Belovezhskaya Pushcha" should be continued to have a more accurate assessment of the dynamics of development and the prognosis of the course of pathological processes.


European ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.); Norway maple (Acer platanoides L.); small-leaved linden (Tilia cordata Mill.); deceases; sanitary condition; biopersistence

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