FORESTER. ECOLOGIST. PHILOSOPHER (To the 70-th anniversary of Yuri Petrovich Demakov)

Татьяна Владимировна НУРЕЕВА, Дмитрий Иванович МУХОРТОВ


The article is devoted to the anniversary of Dr. Demakov Yuri Petrovich (Doctor of Biological Sciences) known as research forester. The important events in his work history from  driver  to university professor are mentioned in the article. Basic stages of his research activity are given,  they include a vast number of problems such as peculiarities of growth and development of forest biogeocenoses. It is mentioned that Yu.P.Demakov worked at the problems of forest rehabilitation after fire-1972, studied sustainability of forest ecosystems to the deceases and pests, took interest in the peculiarities of formation, growth, and development of stands including stands in the conditions of environment pollution. The hero of the anniversary pays critical attention to the study of forests, functioning in the preserved areas. Philosophy and social ecology are a special direction of his  scientific work. It is noted that Yu.P.Demakov elaborated many recommendations for improvement of forestry activity, they are published in the books and study guides. At the end of the article, the members of Volga Tech wish Demakov Yuri Petrovich a Happy Birthday.

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