Наталья Федотовна КАПЛИНА


Introduction. Conjugated analysis of the dynamics of radial stem increment and tree crown development allowed us to establish the principles of retrospective estimation of growth, development, and long-term state of tree and forest stand. The purpose of the work was the determination of stem increment indicators useful for identification of the development of crown type of Quercus robur trees. Results. Object of research was the upland artificial forest of the first site class, located on the southern border of the forest-steppe zone. Three types of oak crown development (original classification) were distinguished. Indicators of radial increment were defined from the scanned images of cores. For the trees with spreading crown formation type - three rows of early wood vessels, for the umbrella-like crown type - two rows, and for the narrow-crowned type - one row is typical (early wood increment is respectively: more than 0,75 mm, 0,4-0,75 mm, less than 0,4 mm). In case of equal late wood increment the early wood increment was on the average higher for the trees with more developed crown. During the favorable growth period the correlation between early and late wood increments was absent, in adverse growth period - the correlation was significant at trees with medium and poor crown development, due to probably ascending stream limiting.


Quercus robur; crown development; increment of early and late stem wood; number of early wood vessel row.

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