Светлана Анатольевна КАБАНОВА, Матвей Анатольевич ДАНЧЕНКО, Андрей Магометович ШИШКИН, Елена Ивановна КРИЖАНОВСКАЯ


The goal of the research.The purpose of the studies was to determine the optimal methods of pre-sowing processing of the seeds of Pinussylvestris L. and to increase the fertility of the soil in the forest nursery. Objects  One-year-old see dlings of Pinussylvestris L. grown from the improved selective seeds in the nursery of Northern branch of Republican Forest Selection Centre, located in Akmola region, were the object of the studies. Results. When studying the quality of the seeds it was revealed that they gave quickly developing plantlets and the energy ofintergrowth almost did not differ from the germinating ability. The variants with steeping of the seeds in Humatophosphate  + Trichocyne  for 12+2 hours (93%), Humate +7 for 6 hours (91%), in “Baikal” + Trichocyne  (1 +2 hours) (90%) and Humate +7+ Trichocyne (6+2 hours) (90%) hadthe maximal laboratory germinating ability. The variants of the experiment, having high laboratorygerminating ability of the seeds, also differed by big indices of the height of the seeds. It indicates a prolonged effect of pre-sowing cultivation of the seeds including on the growth of the seedlings. The variants of experiments with watering of the soil byHumatophosphate and “AridGrow” and sowing of dry seeds took the first ranks on all the studied indices of growth of the seedlings. The seedlings which were grown from the seeds steeped in “Baikal” (1.5 hours), Zircon (3 hours), Zircon + Trichocyne (6+2 hours) andHumatophosphate (12 hours) had bigger values of height, length and mass of stipes and roots. Conclusions. It was determined that the increase of fertility of the soil by means of application of growth substances influenced more upon the growth of the seedlings than only steeping of the seeds in stimulants in the course of pre-sowing processing, although these variants showed quite good results.



Scots pine; stimulants; seeds; Tricotin; Humate; Zircon; AridGrow

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