Introduction. There are three kinds of the prostrate trees in the pine (Pinaceae) family. They are Japanese stone pine (Pinus pumila), mountain pine (Pinus mugo) and prostrate spruce (Picea prostrata). On the border of forest and subalpine belts they hybridize with the allied vertical species: Siberian cedar (Pinus sibirica), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), Schrenk's spruce (Picea schrenkiana), accordingly. There have been no comparative ecological and ontogenetical analysis of pine species with various live forms up to this day. Besides, there is still an undeveloped problem on the establishment of the prostrate woody species in course of evolution. The goal of this research is to make a comparative analysis of vertical and prostrate biomorphes of pine species as well as natural hybrids between them within the theory of nomogenesis. Three pairs of pine species (Japanese stone pine, Siberian cedar; mountain pine, Scots pine; prostrate spruce, Schrenk's spruce) were chosen to be the object of the research. The research in situ of the spruce species was conducted in the Kyrgyz Republic, research of 2-needle pine – in Bulgaria, 5-needle pines – in the Baikal region and Transbaikal. The initial stages of branching systems development were studied ex situ in the scientific facility “Kedr”, Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS (Tomsk). Results. The analysis of branching systems development of Pinaceae species (both vertical and prostrate species) demonstrated that the life form of vertical trees was dynamic over time and changeable in space. The prostrate species are of unchanged life forms only. In the ontogeny of vertical species of trees, there is the potential for prostrate live forms to a greater or lesser degree. Hybridization of 5-needle and 2-needle pines mainly takes place in the subalpine belt, in the open ecotopes with no problems of ecological niche for the hybrids. The hybrids of 5-needle pines are more often formed and better survive, the hybrids of 2-needle pines are more active in the population processes. By the habit, the hybrids of 5-needle pines are mainly in-between species, hybrids of 2-needle pines are more like vertical mother species. Conclusion. Based on the obtained biological data, it is supposed that the prostrate species are evidently more specialized, they were derived from the vertical species resulted from the convergence and canalization of the evolutionary process. One of the possible outputs are vertical species, the other one are prostrate species. Natural hybrids play the role in the interspecies population processes only and have no evolution perspectives.
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