Владимир Иванович ЖЕЛДАК


Introduction. The silvicultural system of forest care is recorded in the 2017 Forest Care Rules, but the introduced changes significantly violate the system and some articles of the Rules prevent from the application of the systems measures because of the restrictions imposed. These shortcomings should be eliminated using the principles of forest management and research data.  The goal of the research is to improve the system of forest care and the normative legal regulation of its use based on the synthesis of historical heritage and new forestry developments. Objects and methods. The objects of the research are all the areas where various forest management measures for forest care are applied. The systems priority-target method for studying the state of forestry facilities and the effectiveness of forest care activities was used.  Results. The assessment of the state of forests, based on the socio-natural and scientific and historical bases of the maintenance and use of forests made it possible to develop a suite of systems for protective and commercial forest care.  The implementation of silvicultural systems of “forest care” is provided for elaboration of a Guidance document, binding for implementation, which includes the systems of silvicultural activities involving forest care. They are implemented in the regulatory legal documents according to the law.Conclusion. For effective maintenance of commercial and protective forests, all the types, methods, options for forest care activities and forest protection measures that complement them are interconnected in the silvicultural systems corresponding to the natural properties and laws of forest ecosystems dynamics, taking into account the integrated ecological and economic accessibility of forestry objects to perform systematic silvicultural activities.


forest care silviculture; silvicultural systems; thinning; forest management

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