Юрий Федорович ГЛАДКОВ, Ольга Викторовна ШЕЙКИНА


Introduction. The analysis of environmental barriers influence on the genetic structure and the diversity of forest species is one of the vital tasks for population biology. The goal of the research is to make a comparative assessment of genetic polymorphism and to reveal the peculiarities of genetic structure of bog land and upland cenopopulations on the basis of the analysis of variability of microsatellite regions of nuclear DNA. Objects and research methodology. The mixed bog land and upland cenopopulations of Scots pine were taken for the research. Thirty trees of each cenopopulation were studied. Five nuclear SSR loci were used for the analysis. Calculation of the parameters of genetic variability was  made using GenAlEX6. Research results.  Number of discovered alleles varied from 3 to 10 for different  microsatellite loci. In total, 36 alleles in the bog land cenopopulation and  32 alleles in the upland cenopopulation were revealed. There were 8 and 4 unique alleles, respectively. However, c2-test demonstrated no significant difference in the allele frequency in  bog land and upland cenopopulations. The assessment of conformity to  Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium showed that for microsatellite loci PtTX2106, PtTX3107, and Psy117 in the upland cenopopulation and for loci Lop1, PtTX3107, and Lop3 in the bog land cenopopulation the significant differences between the observed and expected heterozygosity had been revealed. The studied cenopopulations are described by the nearly level of genetic variation. The indices of genetic variability were: number of alleles in a locus 6.40 and 7.20; effective number of alleles 3.46 and 3.68; observed heterozygosity 0.58 and 0.60; expected heterozygosity 0.66 and 0.67, Wright`s fixation index 0.09 and 0.07. The differentiation of cenopopulation of Scots pine in SSR markers was  1.2% (FST=0.012). Conclusion. The studied bog land and upland cenopopulations are described by the nearly level of genetic variation and have no specific peculiarities in the allele frequency. But the presence of unique alleles found in one ecotope is the evidence of different genetic structure of  contiguous bog land and upland cenopopulations.


Scots pine (Pinus sulvestris L.); bog land and upland cenopopulations; genetic polymorphism; nuclear microsatellites.

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