Евгений Михайлович ЦАРЕВ, Евгений Михайлович ОНУЧИН, Андрей Вячеславович КРЕНЕВ


Mechanization and automation are inseparably connected with forest industry. Besides, it is the main field of activity. The main component of logging is represented by modern logging cars which allow to considerably improve the labor productivity and the quality of work. Relevance of the research is defined by the unsatisfactory level of mechanization and automation of a number of works in forest industry and forestry, in the field of maintenance and simple maintenance of cars and equipment of  forest complex. The goal of the research is  to increase the efficiency and to extend functionality of the automated manipulators for cars and the equipment of forest complex. The main stages of modeling of the system of scanning of a platform are reflected in the work for placement of assortments, the main stages of the monitoring system modeling by a manipulator configuration, stages of modeling of the monitoring system by hydraulic actuators are offered. In course of realization of modeling dependences of probabilities of recognition of arrangement of assortment on a step of scanning in axes X and Y, time of definition of the count from an elementary increment of coordinates of executive mechanisms and an error of reduction of a configuration of the manipulator to a demanded condition of an increment of coordinates of executive mechanisms were received. As a result, a value allowing to define a configuration of an arrangement of assortment with probability of 0.98 was obtained. The optimum increment of coordinates of spatial mechanisms equal to 4 cm by means of which the final count decides for 230 ms on probability of reduction 0.02 is found. The frequency characteristics showing efficiency of functioning of hydraulic actuators of the manipulator of the self-propelled car are received.


modeling; planning; configuration of scanning platform; object recognition algorithm solutions

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