Александр Николаевич ЧЕМОДАНОВ, Юрий Аркадьевич ГОРИНОВ, Рушан Гареевич СAФИН, Сергей Якубович АЛИБЕКОВ


New technique development is impossible without composite materials. By means of the optimum selection of the components, it is possible to obtain the best physical and mechanical properties of the materials. Wood concrete belongs to such materials. It can be used both for buildings construction and for underwater construction of heat pipes. Pipeline consists of a  steel pipe in  the plastic protective cover and tube space, filled with wood concrete. The goal of the research is to ground the usage of a new wood concrete composite with 1160 kg/m3 density and with the  coefficient of heat conduction of 0.12 W/mK  as a cover of underwater pipelines of the centralized heat supply. With this end in view, a test of stability was carried out and  the waste of heat through the wall was defined. Results. The calculations showed the following: underwater pipe construction has a negative buoyancy and stable position in the soil, waste of heat is less than the normalized value. Based on these results, it was concluded that the elaborated wood concrete composite has the necessary properties  to be used as thermal insulation and ballasting of underwater pipelines.


thermal insulation and ballast pipeline coating; underwater construction of heat pipes; stability calculation; calculation of heat passage through the wall

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