Андрей Юрьевич МАНУКОВСКИЙ, Дмитрий Александрович МАКАРОВ


The problem of the timber rafting in terms of small size floating route was considered in the paper. The main factors hindering timber rafting in the rivers with shallow depths were described. To solve the problem, a device for a float control in the constrained conditions was offered. The main features of the device including the ability to work in the rivers with critically small bottom margin as well as the ability to change the generated braking force were described.The main requirements for timber floating in the rivers with shallow depths and the phenomena which occur in this situation are offered to better understand the problem. On the basis of the described requirements for the proposed construction of the raft with a mounted in it the control device («brake-stabilizer»), a  mathematical simulation and experimental study were carried out.Mathematical simulation in the FlowVision medium and a pilot study of flow raft with a mounted in it a «brake-stabilizer» were described in the article step by step. The main parameters under investigation are the parameters of the construction subsidence due to a number of factors as well as the braking force generated by the «brake-stabilizer».The results of mathematical simulation as well as the results of an experimental study of the hydrodynamic processes in raft  control by means of «brake-stabilizer» in comparison with the calculated values are offered.In addition to the results of mathematical simulation in FlowVision and some experimental data, design parameters of subsidence made by the usual Popov techniques and Bernoulli's equation to swim in the constrained conditions are offered. Comparison of the obtained results of the study was made.


crafting; constrained conditions of floating; ground stock control; brake-stabilizer

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