Геннадий Владимирович КУДРЯВЦЕВ, Сергей Валентинович ПОСЫПАНОВ


One of the cheapest methods for round wood delivery to customers is floating. The authors developed the structure of the rigid floating container or a barge module (BM) and a barge line, the size of which is defined by the number of interchained barge modules depending on the type of the river. Barge modules can be used for other cargo transportation as well. Goals and objectives. The work is aimed at obtaining information on hydraulic resistance to uniform flow of barge modules in shallow waters. Research method - experimental and theoretical. Research results. As a result of research it has been revealed that the coefficient of flow resistance to the uniform flow of barge modules in shallow waters is defined by the water depth, width and length of containers assigned to its draft and Froude number defined based on this submersion. Regression models obtained for this coefficient are obtained for two adjacent ranges of relative depths, which differ significantly in terms of this factor impact on the result. The coefficient significantly increases in relative depths below 3. If the value of this factor equals or exceeds 3, its impact sig-nificantly reduces. In the relative depth of 4.8 it has almost no impact on the result. Conclusion. Increase in the relative width of the container along with the decrease in its undebody width results in significant reduction of the resistance factor. The relative value is of lower concern. Should the values of other factors change, the impact of the relative length may change into the opposite. The impact of every factor to different extents depends on the values of others to different extents. The knowledge of this coefficient allows defining the flow resistance when transporting a container in the above mentioned conditions.


floating container; experimental research; uniform flow; hydraulic resistance; speed; limber movement

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