Александр Юрьевич ШИРНИН, Юрий Александрович ШИРНИН


Introduction. Unlike the development of mountain forests, where the harvested timber is transported along an inclined trajectory downwards, the timber from the coastal zone should move along an inclined trajectory up the steep slopes. In hilly and mountainous areas with slopes of more than 15% for the requirements of labor protection it is prohibited to use skidders. In this connection, the use of a scaffolding skidding with a high placement of the supporting block of the supporting rope seems to be very expedient. The goal of the research is to substantiate the technology for the development of forest coastal areas of future reservoirs and the methodology for calculating the productivity of the machine for combined timber logging. Objectives: to develop a technological scheme of winch skidding for timber on a steep bank with a high location of the support block; describe the technical solution for returning to the place of felling of traction rope trees with chokers; compile information-logical and mathematical models of the process; derive a formula to determine the performance of the machine and build a graph of its dependence on working conditions. Objects and methods. A scheme is proposed and the technology of development of forest coastal territories of future reservoirs is described. Simulation process . Information-logical and mathematical models are consistently executed. The formula of replaceable productivity is received. A graph of the change in productivity from the parameters of the cutting area is constructed. Conclusion. The technological scheme of winch skidding of timber on a steep bank by a machine for combined skidding with a high placement of the support block, where the tree can serve as a mast, was developed. An essential factor in reducing the choker's labor costs is the proposed technical solution for the delivery of a pulling rope with the help of an additional winch to the place where the trees are laid.   Sequential information-logical and mathematical simulation made it possible to derive the formula for the productivity of the machine taking into account all the factors affecting the technological process. The obtained mathematical dependence and graph allow to predict the performance of the skidder and to develop a rational operating mode of the technological modules.


logging; simulation; additional winch

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